Lots of space to move, fresh mountain air and countless opportunities for exciting expeditions
turn a vacation with kids into an enjoyable, exciting experience for the whole family.
from € 737.--
Snuggle Days for two = 2x3 nights
27.04.2024 - 03.11.2024
Would you like to have the chance again to spend a few quiet days with your partner?
We offer you an oasis of tranquility in which you can consciously experience your togetherness.
Snuggle close, and allow us to give you a glorious pampering!
from € 274,-
pure relaxation
27.04.2024 - 03.11.2024
The art of resting is part of the art of working
from € 363,-
Women's day for 3 nights
27.04.2024 - 03.11.2024
Take time…
… time for your friend, your mother, sister or daughter.
Would you like to have the chance again to spend a few quiet days with your partner?
We offer you an oasis of tranquility in which you can consciously experience your togetherness.
Snuggle close, and allow us to give you a glorious pampering!
from € 295,-
pure relaxation from 30.11.2024
30.11.2024 - 02.11.2025
The art of resting is part of the art of working
from € 396,-
Women's day for 3 nights from 30.11.2024
30.11.2024 - 02.11.2025
Take time…
… time for your friend, your mother, sister or daughter.
Time to talk, time to enjoy, time to laugh :-)
from € 865.-
Family Days Winter 2023/24
30.11.2024 - 30.03.2025
Time for your family!
Get out of the city, come to us and enjoy a wonderful familyvacation!
€ 303.-
Get on the boards and go
01.12.2024 - 30.03.2025
From the slopes into our wellness paradise!
from € 549.-
Cross-Country Package incl. day trail pass
01.12.2024 - 30.03.2025
Hop on the XC trail near our hotel and explore one of the region's most beautiful cross-country networks.
(180 km between "Tauplitzalm", "Grimming" and "Ödensee")
So still and quiet, the magic of this time, and nothing that doesn't
want to meet the next person in its own way. (Monika Minder)
bookable from December 08th to December 21rd, 2024
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